Sunday 23 October 2011

Painting up a storm

The last week and a half or so I have been painting my room. Previous carers had stuck photos up with blue tack, which had pulled off the paint, and the room was just generally looking a tired. Here are some before and after shots :)

Notice the hole in the wall, near the corner, just above where the lead cuts across
Here you can see where the paint has been pulled off, and then the wall with it’s undercoat
There has obviously been a new radiator put in the room, looks better without the bare patch of wall there, doesn’t it!
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My work bench, and equipment Smile with tongue out, and yes I’m a tidy painter…
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The colour scheme I used, and the inspiration, my bed covers Smile You can also see some more blue tack marks
Giant crack that ran along the roof/wall, followed by no crack – much better!
Ta da – the finished product, I also got new curtains.Smile I don’t think my room has ever been so clean and tidy!! I tell you what though, after over a week of sleeping in the lounge room on the sofa bed, I am certainly looking forward to getting back into my own bed!!