After the rude taxi driver I had getting from Nice to St. Augustine train station, I decided NOT to catch the train back to the airport. Earlier I had found out where the bus stop was for the bus to the airport, and also what time I needed to catch a bus to get to the airport on time. So, on Friday I caught the bus, and I got to the airport with plenty of time to spare... except then I realised I had got off the bus at the wrong terminal! Luckily they have a free shuttle bus to the other terminal, so I hopped on, and while I was waiting for the bus to take off, there were some familiar accents beside me.

There was a New Zealand couple and another Aussie who they had also met on the bus. Turns out we were all taking the same flight to Munich via Cologne, so we all stuck together, which was good, and it was nice having someone to talk to while waiting for check in. We got to the airport (and correct terminal) so early that check in hadn't opened yet, in fact we were first in line! It is definitely much more fun waiting in line when you have someone else to talk to! After check in we went upstairs to check out the duty free shopping and to wait for the first leg of our flight. When I booked my flight I had chosen seat 1A and was thinking 'why on earth did I pick seat 1A'. But it was sooo good - I had so much leg room that I couldn't even reach the wall in front of me, plus good views too!

We had a short time at Cologne airport before the flight to Munich, so did some more duty free shopping. I bought a giant box of Ferrero Rocher - it had 30% off :D Bugger buying duty free alcohol, chocolate is better lol! Here we met up with another Aussie girl, so there was a group of 5 of us who had all met at the airport! On the second section of the flight I didn't have as much leg room, but it was still a fairly comfortable flight. Finally I arrived in Munich, where I caught the train to the Hauptbahnhof and checked into hostel I was staying at.

After having a shower, Vicki finally arrived, and we went out for dinner. We both had the pork sausages with sauerkraut pasta. Despite the name, it was actually quite good, though neither of us could finish it, as it was so filling. We then went back to the hostel, Vicki's school friend and her work mate's daughter were there. Later that night we went to a beer hall for our first Stein of beer (though after being sick the night before I didn't want to overdo it, so didn't actually finish the drink). At first we were sitting near these old Indian men, but then they left, and some Swedish boys sat in their place. They were nice enough and we sat drinking and talking (giving them an Australian geography lesson :P) with them until we pretty much got thrown out of the beer hall, as they wanted to close up for the night.

So we went outside and continued talking. After a bit we caught up with Brion, who we had met on the Egypt tour. We went back to the hostel, and just stayed up talking until about 3 in the morning! Eventually we went to bed and got a few hours sleep before we had to be up again, ready for the opening of Oktoberfest at 12 noon on Saturday 17th September!
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