Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Scope West Sussex Fire Walking Charity Event

Hello all, I am interupting my holiday blog writing to ask a favour of you. This Friday, 13th April I am planning on doing a sponsored fire walk - you know where you walk on hot coals in bare feet!! All monies raised will go toward Scope West Sussex, which is a day centre for people with cerebral palsy, and can be collected up to two weeks after the 13th (given that this is kinda last minute, sorry!). My current client attends the centre once a week. They are raising money to avoid being shut down due to increased rent on the building they occupy. Scope gets people with varying degrees of disability out of the house, giving them and their carers a well deserved break. If you would like to sponsor me, please send me an email at sarah.odgaard@gmail.com and I will give you my bank details so that you can transfer money into my account, which I will then present to Scope West Sussex. Depending on where you are you can transfer into my Aussie or UK account :)

Thanks in Advance!!

Check out the Scope West Sussex website here: http://www.scope-west-sussex.org.uk/