Tuesday, 22 March 2011

New Clients and a bit of sight-seeing in between

9th-13th August
I had another short term client in Aylesbury. My client, had a ginger cat with only 3 legs. His name was Humphrey (hump-three, as my client liked to call him). My client was quite a large man, and prone to falls. To get him back up required a call to 999 (UK emergency number) and the paramedics would use an inflatable cushion to slowly ease him back to his feet. The first time he fell and I had to call 999 I was soooo nervous. It was my first experience with calling the emergency services. By the 13th I had called 999 in excess of 10 times, and was quite confident about it too! All the paramedics knew my client quite well as he was a regular.

15th August

Another National Trust visit. This time to Chartwell, which was Winston Churchill's home. This was another historic place surrounded by beautiful gardens and land.

16th August

Yay, Finally!! After 1 month in England I have a permanent client. I have hand-over today, and then tomorrow I am by myself. My client lives in Orpington, which is just 20mins from G&A, so I can still catch up with them on my breaks. We are going for a holiday on a canal boat in a few days, but that is for my next post! :)